Scovie Awards Competition Turns 25!

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On June 1, we will issue our Call for Entries in the 2022 Scovie Awards and enter our 25th year of producing this competition. We’ve had a good run over our first quarter century. People ask: What are your favorite memories of the Scovie Awards?Well, here are a few:

–Between 2003 and 2015, Garden Fresh Salsa exhibited at every one of our shows and won an astonishing 258 Scovie Awards. This is the all-time record for any company. Garden Fresh was eventually sold to Campbell Soup for $250 million.
–In 2005, the Grand Prize winner of the Tasting Division was Byron Bay Chilli Company’s Fiery Coconut Chilli Sauce.  The company is Australian, so this was our first international grand prize winner!
–The majority of grand prize winners have in one of the categories for sweet heat.
–I run a table of judges every year and I’ll never forget the time a superhot sauce was accidentally tasted among the regular hot sauces and completely burned out all six of my judges. I thought they were all going to leave the judging, but we applied ice cream to their burned mouths and they all recovered.

For the 2022 Scovie Awards. we begin taking entries on June 1. Until then, you can check out all the rules, here. And you can plan all of your entries by going here.

Please remember that this is a competition among professional companies and that amateur entries are not allowed.