Review of “Catching Hell”

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The primary author of this book, Allen Ricca, is a seafood distributor, so he knows what he’s writing about. This informative book is an exposé 0f the seafood industry that pulls no punches. here are six takeaways from it:

  • “Fresh” has varying meanings and can’t be trusted.
  • Avoid seafood that is breaded or sauced.
  • Avoid seafood chain restaurants like Red Lobster and Long John Silver’s.
  • The seafood industry is corrupt on every level from fisherman to distributor to wholesaler to retailer to restaurant.
  • Frozen seafood is okay and most of the seafood you buy has been frozen at some point in the supply chain.
  • There is no index in the book, dropping my overall rating from a B+ to a B.

However, the book is highly recommended for seafood lovers