A Disturbing New Trend in Publishing

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Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas by [Jennifer Raff]SUMMARY Of Jennifer Raff Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas









On February 8, 2022, archaeologist Jennifer Raff published her book Origin through her publisher Twelve, an imprint of the Hachette Book Group. It is 369 pages long in hardcover and costs $39.89. The Kindle ebook costs $14.99. Since then, at least seven “summaries” of her book appeared on Amazon. They are:

SUMMARY: ORIGIN: A Genetic History of the Americas by Jennifer Raff
by Richard Plemons | Feb 10, 2022

Summary of Origin by Jennifer Raff: A Genetic History of the Americas
by Quick Reads | Feb 11, 2022

SUMMARY Of Jennifer Raff Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas
by James Harry | Feb 13, 2022

Summary of Origin by Jennifer Raff: A Genetic History of the Americas
by Brief Experts | Feb 13, 2022

Summary of Origin By Jennifer Raff : A Genetic History of the Americas
by Justin Reese | Feb 16, 2022

Summary of Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas: A Quick-Read
by Jessica Raff by Jessica Mantle | Feb 18, 2022

by RUNNY MURRAY | Feb 20, 2022

The summaries are typically 25 pages long and cost $7.99 in paperback and $2.99 in Kindle. Does this seem fishy to you? Does it seem that these summary authors are trying to make a quick buck off of Jennifer’s work and ideas? As an author, if this happened to me, I’d hire a copyright attorney and sue all of them–and Amazon–for conspiracy to infringe my copyright. And, I feel sorry for Jennifer Raff. If ever there were a case of literary gang rape, this is it. Sorry for the vulgar analogy, but that’s how I feel. Feedback is welcome.