Page Proofs for New Field Guide to Peppers

DaveBook Reviews, Gardening/Farming, The Pepper GardenLeave a Comment

In the book production process, the responsibilities of the author(s) are ongoing. You have to make or approve corrections as directed by your editor, and you have to revise or rewrite as directed. When your editor is satisfied, she passes it on to a copy editor, who proceeds to check grammar, punctuation, spelling, and stray characters. The author then goes over all of these changes. Then the book goes into design, where the text is flowed into page layouts that are “proofs.” The page above is an example of the last time coauthor Janie Lamson and I will have a chance to make corrections to The Field Guide to Peppers. We have to indicated any mistakes we can find not only in the text, but in the images, too. Is the pod in the shot upright or pendant? So I’m going to proof the proof twice. The Field Guide to Peppers will be released on January 15, 2016, and it can be preordered here.
