We are slowly but surely redesigning and updating all of the websites belonging to our family company, Sunbelt Shows, Inc., and making them mobile-ready. First it was this blog you’re reading now, my personal site. Then, Hans Wressnigg, who’s doing all the hard work, rebuilt the Scovie Awards site (ScovieAwards.com). Yesterday, Hans went live with our latest redesign, the Burn Blog (Burn-Blog.com). Today, he starts the massive job of rebuilding the Fiery Foods & Barbecue SuperSite into what will become Fiery Foods & BBQ Central. To accomplish that, he is using a tool that converts Joomla!, the CMS used to build it years ago, into Word Press. To that end, it has been necessary to take the original site offline. Honestly, until we start the project we have no idea how long it will take, because the site has hundreds of articles and thousands of images and recipes. I’ll keep you posted as to the progress, but in the meantime, check out the new Burn Blog.
Redesigning All Our Websites