Historical and Hysterical Reactions to Eating Chile

DaveBlast from the Past, Chile Peppers, Food HistoryLeave a Comment

Historical Chile Eating

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Jacob Wright Harlan, writing in 1888: “The men of this rancho had all gone to the war and the house was full of women, who made supper for us all. We were twelve in number. We had tortillas, frijoles, and carne seca, stewed up, with chile Colorado. My readers may translate these terms for themselves. To me, it was all very delicious till I helped myself to what I thought was a dish of tomatoes. It was pure chile—red pepper. It was fire itself. I was burning all the way down and up and every other way. I jumped from the table and ran for the creek. Finally, by copious use of the cold water, I quenched the heat, and went back to the house to find all the women laughing at me.” Read the entire story of “Historical and Hysterical Reactions to Eating Chile” here.