Sometimes you want to see a movie where you don’t have to think, just relax and enjoy because it’s pure escapism. “Spy” is precisely that film, especially if you’ve been watching spy movies and TV shows since you were a teenager. “Dr. No,” “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,” “Get Smart,” and all of those are the set-ups for this satire starring Melissa McCarthy as a C.I.A. operative on her first field assignment. I do believe this movie parodies every single espionage cliche in existence, from the opening to closing credits: music, the double-crosses, mistaken identities, chase scenes, beautiful women, gambling, drinking, smoking, fighting, helicopters, motorcycles, fancy cars, and portable nuclear weapons. I laughed out loud constantly, as did Mary Jane. Totally mindless fun for a grade of B+.
Review of the Movie “Spy”