The Revival of a Barrackapore

DaveChile Peppers, Gardening/FarmingLeave a Comment

Wintered Over Barrackapore

I like to experiment with wintering-over chiles. Chile peppers are perennials grown as annuals in climates that freeze, but with container plants it’s possible to winter-over those chiles and bring them back for another season. Last year, as part of the research for my book, Microfarming for Profit, I had 40 barrackapore superhot chile plants in 10-inch wide nursery pots. After I harvested all the pods, I picked my favorite plant and wintered it over in my gigantic 10′ by 10′ greenhouse. I pruned it back and placed it in a 20-inch pot. With twice the growing space, it has gone nuts, and note the flowers and small pods developing. I expect to harvest 50-100 superhot pods off this plant, so remember, in the end, chiles are perennials if you can keep them warm in the winter. Below is a mature barrackapore.

Red Ripe Barrackapore

Red Ripe Barrackapore