30 Shows and Still Going Strong

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When you reach a landmark accomplishment like your 30th annual show, the inevitable question from the media is, “Did you plan all this from the beginning? Was it part of your original business plan?” Well, we didn’t have an original business plan, just a goal to get a huge industry together with a trade show and make a profit doing it. Another question that will be asked is, What are you most proud of accomplishing? I think the answer to that is being part of the success of Garden Fresh Salsa. They started exhibiting with us as a startup and continued until the company was sold to Campbell Soup for $250 million, and also supported our Scovie Awards Competition, winning hundreds of awards in the process. And we have plenty of people to thank for the success we’ve had. Emily DeWitt-Cisneros started working for Sunbelt Shows when she was fourteen, and now is president of our company. Wayne Scheiner has handled our advertising since the early days, and a quick look at our crowds will reveal the great job he’s done. Others who have assisted us over the years are Lois Manno, Denice Skrepcinski, Gary Disco, and the staff and management of Sandia Resort and Casino. Thanks to everyone! –Dave DeWitt and Mary Jane Wilan

Note: The image is an aerial view of our 2001 show. The Show website is here.