The wonderful people at Nando’s hot and spicy chicken restaurant chain (1,ooo stores worldwide) hosted us for our culinary tour of South Africa, and I admired their post-apartheid business ethic of treating everyone the same regardless of their origin, heritage, or religion–see the article about our trip here. Now, in the controversy over immigration in the U.S., the management of Nando’s has made a statement: they have a new campaign with the hash tag #Everyoneiswelcome. It has printed posters describing Nando’s as “an immigrant employing‚ gay loving‚ Muslim respecting‚ racism opposing, equal paying, multicultural restaurant.” CNN reports, “By taking its message to the White House (there are two restaurants within easy reach), Nando’s is staying true to its tradition of edgy political campaigns that have sometimes got it into trouble.” Nando’s management release a statement saying, “On Inauguration Day and beyond, even if you’ve never sat at one of our tables, you’re welcome to stand with us. #EveryoneIsWelcome A couple of years ago on a trip to Washington, we had lunch at a Nando’s near the White House and the food was just as delicious as it was in Cape Town–a remarkable achievement. Well, all I can say is that we stand with them.
Iconoclastic Nando’s Makes a Political Statement