Enough is Enough!

DaveHealthLeave a Comment

Usually, I avoid discussing political issues, but I must speak out about the stupidity of some of these anti-vaxxers. One said that the COVID vaccine was a “bio-weapon” and another called it a “crime against humanity.” What planet were these people born on? Would they return us to the days of polio paralysis and the scourge of smallpox, which killed … Read More

Happy Holiday Humor: Rejected Book Titles

DaveAnimals, Books, Christmas, eBooks, Health, Humor, Pets, Publishing, Trees, Weird, WritingLeave a Comment

From my connections in the book publishing industry, I have learned some new, shocking facts. Acquisition editors are no longer reading book proposals or manuscripts from authors, and they can’t depend on judging a book by its cover because the covers have not yet been designed. So they’re depending on book titles to make their decisions on whether or not … Read More